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My name is Mary Schubert, I’m a proud Dunghutti woman from South West Rocks on the beautiful Mid North Coast. 

I found my love for painting at a very young age and would paint in any spare time I had. My grandfathers where both artist, which is where I learnt about Aboriginal symbols, colours and textures.

Dunghutti Barrunba is the traditional language of the Dunghutti people meaning “Dunghutti Dreaming”. It is so special to me to be able to create and share my culture with you all through art just as generations before me have. 

I am so thankful for all your support 🤍

  • Acknowledgement To Country

    Dunghutti Barrunba acknowledges the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of this land which we live, work and grow on. We pay our respects to the elders past and present.

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